About Us

We are proud to be an intercultural Church, where people with varied ethnic and cultural roots meet, worship, discuss and learn from one another.
We are also very active in our local community working alongside other agencies as well as running our own projects as an expression of the love of God in a practical way.
Our History
Our church was first established as Fulham Congregational Church. Our original church building was constructed between 1904 and 1906. Over the years the church has served the local community in many ways including running a large Sunday School which at one point had to be held in a local school because over 300 children were attending each week. In 1972, when the Congregational and Presbyterian churches came together nationally to form the United Reformed Church (URC), our church was renamed Fulham United Reformed Church.
In the early 1980s, a plan was devised to reorder the church and develop more modern premises. The old building was demolished and a new building was established on the same site, with building work being completed in 1986.