Our Vision

As a United Reformed Church, you can read about what we believe on the main URC website.
At Fulham United Reformed Church, we have always been a community church, with people often commenting how much they feel at home here and how friendly the church is. For us, this is what it meant to be church in the first century and the Bible has many stories of what the Christian Church was like in those early days:
'The people who were part of the church spent their time learning about Jesus from those who had known him - being part of a community with one another, sharing communion and prayer. Other people were amazed at what they saw in the people who were part of the church - amazing things were happening including people being healed. Christians spent time together and shared what they had with those in need. They worshipped God together, shared communion together and had many meals in each other's homes. And God brought new people to join them every day.' Acts 2v42-47.
Today, many people ask the question 'how do you know what God is like?' In the reformed tradition within the Christian faith, we believe the answer to this question lies with focusing on Jesus - as the ultimate expression of who God is. And so that's the kind of church we want to be: One that is focused on understanding what Jesus was like, so that through him we can know God and live the kind of life that Jesus modelled for us.
As our church grows, we intend to continue coming together regularly for worship and teaching, to receive communion, for prayer, for healing, for community meals and to help people in need. In doing these things our intention is to get to know God better and to become more like Jesus, and while we are not a church that is particularly focused on numbers, we do believe that the more we become this kind of community the more God will lead people to join us every day.